Sunday, August 18, 2013

17 weeks

How far along? 17 weeks.
How big is baby? 5 inches and 5 ounces, as big as an onion or turnip.
Total weight loss/gain? +7 pounds (new weight at appointment).
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still wearing a few pairs of pants from pre-pregnancy.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep? Decent since I dug out the pregnancy pillow.
Pregnancy dreams? A random strange dream every few nights.
Best moment of the week? Finally visiting Mt. Rainier. It was beautiful.
Miss anything? Not at the moment.
Movement? A little every day.
Food cravings? Fruit
Anything make you queasy/sick? Avocados, chicken, and most meats.
Team green/finding out? Finding out.
Labor signs? Too early.
Symptoms? round ligament pain (a.k.a. growing pains)
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy.
Any milestones this week? Baby has eyebrows and is starting to pack on brown fat to stay warm.
Looking forward to? Running the Seattle Marathon 10K on Saturday.

 Miles wanted to join the fun.
My 16 week appointment went well. Baby's heart rate was 160, and I measured exactly at 16 weeks. Blood pressure 120/70. Anatomy scan set for Sept 12.


  1. When did your BP go nuts last time? I hope it stays PERFECT like it is!!
