Tuesday, October 22, 2013

26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks.
How big is baby? 15 inches and 1.67 pounds, as big as a scallion or head of lettuce.
Total weight loss/gain? +14 lbs as of 25 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? Regular clothes, yes. Running clothes, I wish. My running shirts are getting to be too short!
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep? Insomnia most nights and I just can't get comfortable anymore.
Pregnancy dreams? Weird dreams all the time.
Best moment of the week? Carving pumpkins with the family on Sunday.
Miss anything? Sleeping on my belly.
Movement? All the time. He's able to jump on my bladder and stick his foot/hand under my ribcage at the same time. Talented little guy.
Food cravings? Not really. I still prefer to eat healthy overall.
Anything make you queasy/sick? I'm afraid to try avocados, but otherwise nothing I can think of.
Labor signs? Too early. Just a few braxton hicks contractions here and there.
Symptoms? Crazy growing pains, so much to keep me awake at night!
Belly button in or out? Pretty much flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy.
Any milestones this week? Baby is practicing breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. The nerves in his ears are better developed, which is probably why he was going crazy when I vacuumed this weekend.
Looking forward to? Celebrating the big 29 with Miles and Jared.

I had an appointment with the midwife last week for my monthly check-up. All is well. Blood pressure was 122/78. Baby is kicking really strong according to the midwife. I also have an overachiever in growth - my belly measured 3 weeks ahead! My next visit is with the OB on November 8th to find out if I'm a candidate for a VBAC. I also have to do the glucose test and get my rhogam shot at that appointment, so I'll be at the office for a while. They only do a 2-hour glucose test at this office, so hopefully I'll pass on the first try this time!

We had a blast carving the pumpkin on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I just realized that Connor looks creepily like Miles. I think it's the hair right now, but DANGIT they look similar O.o; lol. Also: GOOD LUCK at your appointment!!!
