Sunday, February 16, 2014

First bath and first night at home!

Harrison wasn't a fan of his first bath. I wasn't expecting anything different. Miles didn't like baths either!
Harrison needed some cuddles with Jared before we left the hospital.

We got to go home 26 hours after checking into the hospital (including labor and delivery!). We left the hospital around 6:30 that evening, picked up Miles from our friend's house, and then made our way home. I was glad to be home with the whole family. Miles was so excited that we all fit on the couch. We didn't fit very well together for the past month or so because my belly was too big. He loves his baby brother.

Sleepy swaddled Harrison.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

First moments

Harrison's first moments

Proud papa

12 hours old

Meeting big brother Miles

Monday, February 10, 2014

Harrison Rhys

The birth story. A vbac success! 

We waited a long time for his arrival. He was due on January 26th, so every day after that was another day of waiting. I'd hear the same thing every day at work - "You're still here?!" I had an appointment on January 27th, and my midwife asked how much longer I wanted to wait. They let me go 2 weeks overdue, so I told her I would be patient. Since I had a c-section with Miles, I couldn't be induced (nor would I want to be, after what I went through with Miles - click here to read his birth story). She put me on the list to schedule a c-section sometime late in the following week. The scheduler called back with the official date - February 5th. We would have a baby in a week and two days.

Every day passed with no signs of baby coming any time soon. It was fine by me, he just needed to cook longer. I had a non-stress test (NST) on January 31st to make sure baby was healthy. It took a little longer to get him moving, but after some pretzels and orange juice he passed with no problem. I had another NST and an appointment with my midwife February 3rd. At the time, I was 2 cm, 80% effaced, and baby was nice and low. She offered to sweep my membranes to hopefully get things moving and gave me some homework. Go for a nice long walk (not run), and eat spicy food. No problem! I walked 4 miles and ate a big helping of leftover buffalo chicken with extra hot sauce from the Superbowl. She told me she was the midwife on call the next day, and said she hoped to see me in the hospital. Finally, February 4th arrived. I had saved a list of things to do to keep myself busy that evening. Of course when you have plans, babies have even bigger plans.

I went to work like any other day. I stopped at Starbucks for a (decaf) caramel flan latte to get me through the day. I'm at two different schools on Tuesdays. I saw all of my morning students and sat down to have lunch with the preschool staff at noon. That's when I started to feel something. Now, I had many braxton hicks contractions (practice contractions) throughout the pregnancy. These were different. More like cramps, less like those whole belly-tightening contractions. They were pretty strong, and continued coming closer together. I was still in disbelief that this was the real thing. I finished my day at work and told my friend to stay by her phone in case I needed her to get Miles. Fortunately I was at the school closest to home, so I timed it well driving through the contractions up the back roads - only two contractions in the 12 minute drive. When I left work, contractions were 4-5 minutes apart. I continued timing them when I got home, packed the rest of my hospital bag and Miles's overnight bag, and called my midwife when contractions were 4 minutes apart. She said to go to the hospital - we were having a baby!

We got to the hospital around 4:30, settled in to a room, and they started working on the hep loc. Four huge bruises and an IV specialist later, I finally had a heplock. My midwife checked me around 6pm, and I was 4 cm, 90% effaced. I was trying to go entirely med-free, but I asked for something to take the edge off the pain. They gave me a dose of fentanyl, and that's all I had for pain management. That helped me relax enough to let Jared grab food from the deli before it closed. When they finished the required monitoring of baby's heart rate, they hooked me up to a mobile monitoring unit so I could move around the room. It was much easier to take the pain standing with my arms resting on the bed than lying down. My midwife checked me again around 8pm, and I was already 7 cm. Shortly after that, I asked to go in the tub. Nice hot water and strong jets got me through the next hour really well. If I hadn't had the c-section with Miles, I would have asked to deliver in the water,  but there's too much of a risk. I had to get out when I felt like pushing. My midwife broke my water and checked me one more time. I just had a little lip left and I could start pushing. The next part is the most painful but most wonderful thing I have experienced.

I pushed for about an hour (I think. My timeline is based on updates Jared was sending to friends and family.) My midwife helped me through the pain, and had me change positions often. I pushed in every position except flat on my back. She had me on one side, the other side, squatting at the end of the bed holding the squat bar, on the toilet (!!), and finally on my hands and knees where I delivered. The next few moments were a blur until I heard him cry and they put him on my chest. Then pure joy.

Harrison Rhys
7 lb 12 oz, 20 inches
10:10pm February 4th

Jared even cut the cord after thinking he couldn't do it. Harrison passed all the tests and screenings, and Miles got to visit in the morning. He's a proud big brother.

We got to go home 26 hours after checking into the hospital. More pictures to come.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

41 weeks

Yes, he's still cooking!

How far along? 41 weeks.
How big is baby? 7-9 pounds, 20-22 inches, as big as a watermelon.
Total weight loss/gain? +22 lbs as of 40 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? All regular clothes are maternity, but still holding onto my normal running clothes with some creative layering to cover the belly.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep? Insomnia more often than not. Just getting ready for those sleepless nights, I guess.
Pregnancy dreams? Probably not sleeping enough to have dreams right now.
Best moment of the week? Scheduling the eviction of baby.
Miss anything? Sleeping.
Movement? Still kicking and attempting to roll. It's getting crowded in there, so movements are different.
Food cravings? Fruit and lettuce.
Anything make you queasy/sick? Not at the moment.
Labor signs? Some contractions, but nothing regular yet. Baby dropped too.
Symptoms? Random sore back or hips. Nothing terrible.
Belly button in or out? Popped just a bit. The nurse commented that she was sorry about my belly button at my appointment on Friday. Maybe it looks worse than I thought.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy.
Any milestones this week? Baby is fully developed and ready to make an appearance.
Looking forward to? Wednesday! I have a c-section scheduled for Wednesday if he doesn't make an appearance before then. I will be 41.5 weeks and can't be induced because of my c-section with Miles. They only let women go to 42 weeks, and Wednesday was the only day she had open this week for surgery. Can't wait to meet this little guy.

I did a 7 mile long run last weekend on the due date, but he still didn't want to come out!

Miles is excited for baby brother.
 But not too excited.

We went on a bike ride yesterday. Miles is much faster than this summer!

Miles is learning to be a big help around the house. He vacuums and cooks!

And a budding photographer.